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EVE-NG Professional 6.0.1-38 Release Highlights

EVE-NG Professional Edition has unveiled its latest update, version 6.0.1-38, signaling a significant stride in network simulation technology. Incorporating a host of enhancements and foundational improvements, this release aligns with the evolving needs of IT professionals while bolstering the platform's overall reliability and performance:

The update brings a substantial transformation through the integration of a new Ubuntu LTS 22.04 (Jammy) base, ensuring long-term support and stability.

Accompanied by a new Kernel, it enhances hardware compatibility, ensuring that EVE-NG Professional remains at the forefront of virtual networking solutions.

Enhanced Backup and Recovery Tools

The introduction of the Backup Manager Update in EVE-NG Professional version 6.0.1-38 represents a significant enhancement to the platform's resiliency capabilities. This update furnishes users with advanced options for creating and managing backups, streamlining the preservation of critical configurations and network simulations. With these improved tools, network engineers can safeguard their virtual environments against data loss, relying on robust protection for their laboriously crafted labs and settings.

Streamlined Backup Manager Update

EVE-NG's Backup Manager in the 6.0.1-38 release emphasizes simplified data protection—enhancing the reliability of preserving network simulations.

Enhanced backup operations ensure rapid recovery, safeguarding against data loss, while streamlining system resilience mechanisms.

With the backup manager's update, administrators can efficiently backup and restore crucial data, mitigating risks associated with hardware failures, system crashes, or accidental deletions.

The inclusion of new scripts for database preservation and recovery not only tightens data security but also significantly reduces system downtime during unforeseen database issues.

New Database Recovery Scripts

The introduction of new database recovery scripts in EVE-NG Professional Edition's latest 6.0.1-38 release represents a substantial advancement in data integrity management. The inclusion of these new scripts is indicative of a stronger commitment to robust database issue recovery protocols.

These scripts enable efficient restoration of the database state. They ensure operational readiness even post-recovery.

In scenarios involving database corruption or inadvertent data manipulation, these scripts provide a reliable mechanism to revert to a stable database state. They are instrumental in minimizing disruptions caused by database anomalies, hence ensuring the persistence and reliability of the environment configuration.

With the latest scripts, system administrators are endowed with a powerful set of tools to address and resolve database-related contingencies with significantly enhanced agility and precision. By integrating these scripts, EVE-NG Professional Edition further cements its position as a resilient and dependable virtual networking platform, built to sustain a continuity of operations and mitigate the impact of database-related crises.

Revamped System Infrastructure

The EVE-NG Professional Edition's latest release heralds a milestone in virtual network simulation with the integration of Ubuntu LTS 22.04 (Jammy) and an updated kernel, laying a stronger foundation for both current and future hardware compatibility demands. The new system status design offers a more intuitive and informative dashboard, significantly enhancing the user's situational awareness during network emulation tasks. Moreover, with the introduction of a sleek new installer, users can experience a streamlined installation process, optimizing both time and resource efficiency. These infrastructure enhancements not only provide long-term stability but also ensure that IT professionals have a robust platform that adapts to evolving technological landscapes while maintaining security and performance.

Integration of New Kernel

The EVE-NG Professional Edition 6.0.1-38 update includes a pivotal kernel upgrade, ensuring enhanced compatibility with a wide range of hardware components.

  • Enhanced support for newer CPUs and peripherals
  • Improved system stability and performance
  • Optimized network driver operations
  • Accelerated virtual machine (VM) provisioning and management
  • Strengthened host and guest OS interactions

This kernel update delivers a seamless experience by fostering a more stable and efficient network simulation environment.

Architectural refinements allow IT professionals to leverage advanced hardware capabilities, ensuring EVE-NG remains a cutting-edge tool for network simulations.

Long-Term Support with Ubuntu LTS 22.04

EVE-NG Professional Edition 6.0.1-38 embraces Ubuntu LTS 22.04, referred to as Jammy Jellyfish, ensuring consistent performance and security for an extended period.

  • Stable Operating System Base: Leverage the reliability and stability of Ubuntu LTS 22.04 as the foundation.
  • Frequent Security Updates: Benefit from regular patches that enhance system safeguards and resilience.
  • Broad Community Support: Access a wide community of Ubuntu users and developers for troubleshooting and advice.
  • Hardware Compatibility: Improved support for the latest hardware thanks to the newer Linux kernel.
  • Extended Support Timeline: Enjoy long-term support until April 2027, including maintenance updates.

This adoption promises a future-proof platform, allowing IT professionals to maintain operational continuity with confidence.

With Jammy Jellyfish as its base, EVE-NG assures compatibility with ongoing technology shifts, reinforcing its commitment to providing a dependable virtual lab environment.

Advanced Docker and Security Features

EVE-NG Professional Edition's latest deployment introduces SYSBOX, a robust container runtime that allows running Docker in Docker (DinD) scenarios securely. This innovation provides users with a more isolated environment, mitigating risks associated with running multiple Docker instances.

In conjunction with SYSBOX, the inclusion of privileged Docker support marks a significant security update; however, its utilization is advised for fully trusted users only. By observing this recommendation, administrators can maintain a high standard of security while leveraging the full capabilities of Docker.

These advancements illustrate EVE-NG's continued focus on enhancing the secure operability of its virtual lab platform, reinforcing its dedication to providing secure, state-of-the-art lab environments for network professionals.

Jammy-Based Docker Images

EVE-NG Professional Edition integrates Jammy-based Docker images offering enhanced compatibility and performance.

  1. Utilization of Ubuntu LTS 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish): Ensures long-term support and stability across Docker environments.
  2. Update to Docker Engine: Adoption of the latest Docker release underpins the reliability and efficiency of containerized applications.
  3. Support for SYSBOX Runtime: Facilitates secure running of nested Docker containers, essential for complex lab scenarios.

These images are foundational for the new EVE-NG Professional's infrastructural enhancements.

Deploying Ubuntu's latest LTS version underlines a commitment to up-to-date software stacks and improved hardware support.

Enhanced Docker-in-Docker Security

EVE-NG Pro v6.0.1-38 fortifies Docker-in-Docker isolation.

The Docker-in-Docker feature allows users to emulate complex network environments within individual Docker containers. This is a critical functionality for network engineers and researchers who require a safe sandbox to simulate nested virtualization scenarios. However, without proper isolation, running Docker inside another Docker could expose the host to security risks.

Enhanced isolation is achieved through SYSBOX container runtime.

The update introduces a secure mechanism - SYSBOX Container Runtime, which runs nested Docker containers without granting them full privileges. This feature is paramount for maintaining the efficacy and security of the labs while preventing potential privilege escalation attacks on the host system.

Finer control over privileged containers is a paramount inclusion.

With EVE-NG Professional's latest release, system administrators are empowered - they must explicitly allow privileged containers, which should only be used for highly trusted users. This requirement standards a security-conscious configuration, minimizing the surface for malicious exploitation within lab environments.

Comprehensive EVE-NG Networking Enhancements

The introduction of the latest Qemu versions 7 and 8 delivers enhanced emulation performance and broader compatibility with a plethora of network devices and architectures. This integration facilitates a superior lab experience for network professionals who rely on the accuracy and responsiveness of simulated environments. Complemented by the innovative L1 activation/deactivation feature in IOL support, network engineers can now replicate even more granular physical network behaviors, further bridging the gap between virtual and tangible network testing grounds.

Qemu 7 and 8 Compatibility

With the infusion of Qemu versions 7 and 8 into EVE-NG Professional Edition, users can embrace a wider scope of virtualized device functionality. This incorporation brings forth substantial improvements in emulation fidelity that directly translate into more nuanced and diverse lab scenarios.

The performance enhancements embedded within these versions contribute to an optimized lab execution environment. Users will notice a marked acceleration in initialization and operational workflows within their virtual labs.

Moreover, the increased cross-platform support ensures seamless integration of complex network topologies. This includes systems that pivot on newer or more specialized hardware configurations, enhancing the overall fidelity and scope of simulated networks.

The continued commitment to the emulation performance of Qemu highlights its pivotal role in the scalability of virtual network platforms. With regular updates, EVE-NG Professional ensures that users have access to the latest capabilities and can stay at the cutting edge of network simulation technology.

Network emulation, a cornerstone in the realm of network design and testing, is continually refined through such updates. The introduction of Qemu 7 and 8 empowers users to configure and troubleshoot virtual networks with ever-closer parallels to real-world environments.

Lastly, the integration of these versions emphasizes EVE-NG's dedication to providing a robust platform for advanced network simulation. This stalwart support emboldens network professionals to navigate the complexities of modern network environments with confidence and precision.

Improved Clustering and Synchronization

With Release 6.0.1-38, the clustering mechanism has been refined, offering improved discovery protocols and more seamless inter-node communication. These advancements allow for a more cohesive and efficient operational framework necessary for large-scale deployments.

The synchronization process between the EVE-NG server and web interface, particularly in scenarios involving substantial lab modifications, has been notably augmented. This improvement ensures consistency and real-time updates across all collaborative nodes, enhancing user experience.

Additionally, new fail-safes and scripts promote timely data recovery and synchronization, securing the integrity of network simulation data even in the event of massive lab alterations or disruptions. This level of redundancy is crucial for maintaining continuity of operations.

Streamlined clustering and synchronization are pivotal in an era where scalability and collaboration define the network simulation landscape. EVE-NG Professional's updates aim precisely at these critical operational exigencies.


In conclusion, the EVE-NG Professional Edition 6.0.1-38 update advances the platform's capabilities, reliability, and security. It empowers IT professionals to confidently navigate the complexities of network environments, ensuring seamless operations and precise network simulation. With its commitment to continuous improvement and support, EVE-NG remains at the forefront of virtual network simulation technology. Plus, you can enjoy the new upgrades at CloudMyLab's managed service, providing a hassle-free experience and expert assistance in utilizing the latest enhancements.